Hello from Stuart’s Coffee in Bellingham!
This week, we welcome a special guest to talk about the immigrant rights movement and immigration policy. Plus, Andy and Tammy channel Jay Energy and answer listener questions.
(0:00): Andy and Tammy discuss Japanese food and our favorite chaebols.
(6:50): Listener Questions! What’s up with the “PI” in “AAPI?” listener SansMouton asks. We discuss the awkward origins of AAPI and why Pacific Islanders and Native Hawaiians shouldn’t be lumped into Asian America (cf. this random feature on Asian feelings in the NYT this weekend). But is there anything redeeming about a “Pacific” frame? And what would be the Pacific version of Paul Gilroy’s Black Atlantic?
Thanks to friend of the pod Amita Manghnani for talking through the local politics of “A/P/A” and recommending “Asian American Studies and the ‘Pacific Question,’” by Wesleyan anthropologist Kehaulani Kauanui.
(25:00): How should academics balance institutional responsibilities (and annoying prestige stuff) with teaching? listener Robi asks. Andy tries to punt the question to Tammy before laying out his own materialist approach.
(31:44): Silky Shah, friend of the pod and executive director of Detention Watch Network, explains all things immigration:
Her Truthout article on the dramatic increase in immigrant detention under Biden
How her corner of the immigrant rights movement become abolitionist
Why borders are bullshit
The We Are Home coalition
Links between immigration and foreign policy
The Dems’ obsession with “deterrence”
Why “Abolish ICE” isn’t nearly enough
Recommended reads by Harsha Walia and Todd Miller.
For more on immigration policy, tune into this book event on Tuesday, Sept. 28, at noon EST, moderated by Tammy:
Thanks for listening and supporting the pod! Please keep in touch via Patreon and Substack, email (timetosaygoodbyepod@gmail.com) and Twitter!
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