Hi from Obama’s third term!
This week, we welcome the wonderful, brainy Rozi Ali, a journo friend who writes about Islamophobia and the US “war on terror.” We also dish about basketball and a kimchi-based spat between South Korea and China.
1:10 – Why Rozi gave up on the Warriors.
3:35 – Korea and China are fighting again. Over kimchi.
Not sponsored content: the offending Li Ziqi video (kimchi at the 13:20 mark: judge for yourself!)
17:45 – Biden started his presidency by reversing Trump-era actions on immigration, including the Muslim ban. Rozi puts these moves in context of foreign policy and the forever wars. Shout-out to the Quincy Institute and anti-war activism; plus: Jay and Rozi still don’t know who Fran Lebowitz is.
54:30 – The South Asian diaspora in the US tends to vote very Democratic, but some of its members have big blind spots around class concerns as well as the government in India. We discuss all this in the context of Arun Venugopal’s recent piece in The Atlantic, “The Truth Behind Indian American Exceptionalism.”
>> If you’re free tonight, Tuesday, Jan. 26, join this US–Canada event on transnational “movement lawyering,” organized by TTSG friends. Tammy is in the mix: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/asian-american-asian-canadian-perspectives-on-movement-lawyering-tickets-135937527805
Thanks for tuning in and supporting us. Next time: lots of reader questions!
We’re on Twitter way too much, at @ttsgpod. And on email: timetosaygoodbye@gmail.com.
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