Time To Say Goodbye
Time To Say Goodbye
Steel, Care, PMCs: historian Gabe Winant

Steel, Care, PMCs: historian Gabe Winant


A guest episode today: Andy talks with U Chicago historian Gabriel Winant (@gabrielwinant) about his new book, The Next Shift: The Fall of Industry and the Rise of Health Care in Rust Belt America. We discuss capitalism and neoliberalism, what’s going on with the U.S. socialist movement, and class fissures within the professional ranks. 

Check out Gabe’s other writing in many places, including Dissent, n+1, The Nation, and Jacobin!  

0:00 – Pittsburgh, discussions of class, Gabe’s journey, Marxism, and the rumored “history of capitalism” trend in the academy.

20:00 – We dig into The Next Shift: steel in non-nostalgic terms, the difference between steel and healthcare (or manufacturing versus service), how nursing homes became so marginalized, and the strategic sectors for struggle today (healthcare? education?). 

1:04:50 – Gabe’s 2019 essay on the “professional-managerial class”: revisiting Barbara and John Ehrenreich’s invention of the term in 1977, how it applies today, and why the only people who talk about the PMC are themselves the PMCest of PMCs?

Watch out for bonus content later this week! The podsquad will be back again soon.

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