Time To Say Goodbye
Time To Say Goodbye
Wake us up when Trump goes to jail, with Vinson Cunningham

Wake us up when Trump goes to jail, with Vinson Cunningham

When a mugshot is a gift—to libs and 45 himself

Hello from three far-flung cities! 

This week, we’re joined by our pal Vinson Cunningham, staff writer and theatre critic for The New Yorker

After briefly interrogating Jay’s recent pivot to dad-hiker fashion (pic for subscribers only), we hear Vinson’s take on the Trump mugshot. [4:05] The image gets us talking about aesthetic self-perception, the celebrity accused in popular culture, and the lack of a good analysis of Trump’s true appeal. [41:45] Next, we discuss last week’s G.O.P. primary debate, which causes Jay to confront what fascinates him about Vivek Ramaswamy, Tammy to question her EMILYs List impulses, and Vinson to call bullshit on right-wing claims of populism. 

In this episode, we ask: 

How does the Trump mugshot, a visual anomaly in the history of presidential imagery, reflect on our political system? What’s the value of similar pix in countries where former leaders are regularly imprisoned? 

Is there any ceiling on this Trump thing? 

Why didn’t the G.O.P. primary debate feature more culture-war talk? 

For more, see: 

And pre-order Vinson’s forthcoming novel

* Out of respect for our many repeat guests, we note that this episode marks Vinson’s fourth TTSG appearance, which ties him with Hua Hsu and Jenny Wang Medina. 

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