Time To Say Goodbye
Time To Say Goodbye
Fukushima’s toxic tail and Ramaswamy’s media blitz

Fukushima’s toxic tail and Ramaswamy’s media blitz

Plus: Jay reports from the beach

Hello from Honolulu! 

It’s just us this week, trading places: Tammy is home in humid Brooklyn, and Jay is on the road, visiting family in Hawaii! (6:00) First, we discuss the planned release of 500 swimming pools’ worth of radioactive(?) wastewater from Fukushima, which has spurred lousy takes from Beltway types and a run on salt in South Korea. (19:10) Next, we look at Vivek Ramaswamy’s long-shot candidacy for President and try to discern what the entrepreneur brings to a flailing Republican Party. 

In this episode, we ask: 

Was “Mad Men” a good show? 

How does the Fukushima conversation serve as a barometer for China–Japan–South Korea relations? 

Is Trumpism analogous to Modi-ism? 

Are we doomed to have an amoral, debate-brained candidate in every Republican primary? 

For more, dig into: 

Thanks for listening! Subscribe on Patreon or Substack, and follow us on Instagram, TikTok, and Twitter. Email us at timetosaygoodbyepod@gmail.com

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