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For what it's worth, I'm also intrigued by the high union density in Hawaii. William Finnegan mentions it a lot in his writing, both in his memoir and his New Yorker articles, and I would imagine would have an interesting perspective. Maybe a future guest!?

From "Off Diamond Head": "My father’s Hawaii was a big, truly interesting place. He was regularly in the outer islands, herding film crews and talent into rain forests, remote villages, tricky shoots on unsteady canoes. He even shot a Pele number on a Big Island lava field. His job involved constant battling with local labor unions, especially the teamsters and the longshoremen, who controlled freight transportation. There was abundant private irony in these battles, since my father was a strong union man, from a union family (railroaders) in Michigan." (https://www.newyorker.com/magazine/2015/06/01/off-diamond-head-finnegan)

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